Healing modalities such as Reiki and sound therapy aim to unblock, balance, and restore the flow of energy within and around the body to promote greater health. These methods work with the bio-field, an energy field that surrounds and flows through the body, which is viewed as a manifestation of life force. This energy is often associated with the concept of chi (in Chinese medicine), prana (in Ayurveda), or kundalini (in yogic traditions). The bio-field is believed to play a role in regulating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether viewed as a literal energy field or a metaphor for interconnectedness, the bio-field underscores the idea that we are not only physical beings but also energetic and spiritual entities.

As modern science continues to research and validate the effectiveness of these healing techniques on the body and bio-field, I have included a few resources below which offer further information on these subjects.